Especially when preparing to buy a house, an excellent credit score means better rates, savings you hundreds to thousands over time! An excellent credit score gives you the freedom and confidence to achieve all your financial goals.
Every credit report is as unique as every person and requires its own plan for repair or improvement.
We will evaluate and make a plan for your specific needs while guiding you through the process of raising your score and keeping it there.
Visit HOW IT WORKS for more details.
Improve your credit by reporting the last 24 months of rent payments history to the credit bureaus.
*RentReporters has a monthly fee
Protect your Identity and Credit with IDShield. Individual, Family & Business plans available needs.
*IDShield has a monthly fee
When you need legal help, LegalShield is there, with no hourly fees or retainer.
*LegalShield has a monthly fee
Get your reports, get alerts, protect from dark web & identity theft insurance.
*MyScoreIQ has a monthly fee
By federal law, you must know that YOU CAN DO THE CREDIT RESTORATION PROCESS YOURSELF. YOU ALSO HAVE 3 DAYS TO CANCEL ANY AGREEMENT MADE WITH THIRD PARTY CREDIT REPAIR COMPANIES, which must be done in writing and will discontinue the consulting process. You can read and review The Fair Credit Reporting Act and the Credit Repair Organizations Act at by writing the FTC
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